Skanderborg Forsyning – Nature-Based Solutions Utility Spotlight

In recent years, the municipality of Skanderborg, located in Eastern Denmark, has experienced increasing and more frequent rainfall resulting in extensive flooding of urban areas. Rainwater accumulation can lead to sewerage overflow and surface water quality degradation, impacts that will be exacerbated by the onset of climate change.

Skanderborg Forsyning has faced public criticism for the poor water quality in lakes, providing an incentive for greater community engagement and targeted efforts to unlock the full value of water. Consequently, the Municipality has developed a climate change action plan to identify vulnerable areas and address flooding.

Flood and Drought management tools

The Flood and Drought Management Tools project provides a methodology with online tools to facilitate the inclusion of information on floods and droughts, and future scenarios into Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) planning and Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses (TDA) and Strategic Action Plans (SAP), and Water Safety Planning (WSP). These approaches are used to support planning from the transboundary basin to local (water utility) level

Water Safety Portal

Your online network to support the implementation of Water Safety Plans (WSPs). Here you can find resources, share experiences, and keep up-to-date with news and events.

Flood and drought management – video

The FDMT project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) and implemented by UN Environment, with DHI and the International Water Association (IWA) as the executing agencies. The project is developing a package of web-based technical applications (tools) that can be applied individually or together to include information about floods, droughts and future scenarios into planning from the transboundary basin to water utility level.

Visit the Flood and Drought Portal:
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Motion graphics and illustration: (Chris Wells)
Voice over: (Alexa Brown)

Toolkit for Climate resilient water utility operations

This toolkit provides methodologies for a water utility to develop three documents that are essential to improve its climate resilience: a vulnerability assessment, a climate-resilient business plan, and an emergency response plan.

Assess your utility’s carbon footprint
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Assess your utility’s energy performance and GHG emissions

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