This book serves as a compilation of technical references, case examples and guidance for applying nature-based solutions for treatment of domestic wastewater, and enables a wide variety of stakeholders to understand the design parameters, removal efficiencies, costs, co-benefits for both people and nature and trade-offs for consideration in their local context. Examples through case studies are from across the globe and provide practical insights into the variety of potentially applicable solutions.
IWA Search Theme: Urban Water Management
Urban groundwater use in Tropical Africa – a key factor in enhancing water security?
Urban groundwater use in Tropical Africa – a key factor in enhancing water security?
Stephen Foster, Anne Bousquet and Sean Furey
Resilience theory incorporated into urban wastewater systems management. State of the art
Resilience theory incorporated into urban wastewater systems management. State of the art
P. Juan-García, D. Butler, J. Comas, G. Darch, C. Sweetapple, A. Thornton, Ll Corominas
The Urban Water Utility of the Future: Peak Performance & Low Carbon (webinar on demand)
Learning Objectives
• Participants are aware of the opportunity of a low carbon future for utilities and the necessity to adopt a “low-Carbon” mindset.
• Participants will become familiar with the WaCCliM Roadmap, its five-step process and a number of critical components (which include data management needs and assessment tools, an enabling environment, a ‘bankable’ project proposal, and a monitoring plan).
• Participants have several ideas of practical measures that can be implemented by utilities to become climate smart, illustrated by case studies.
• Participants have a go-to resource to apply the five-step process and are energised to initiate action within their organization.
Skanderborg Forsyning – Nature-Based Solutions Utility Spotlight
In recent years, the municipality of Skanderborg, located in Eastern Denmark, has experienced increasing and more frequent rainfall resulting in extensive flooding of urban areas. Rainwater accumulation can lead to sewerage overflow and surface water quality degradation, impacts that will be exacerbated by the onset of climate change.
Skanderborg Forsyning has faced public criticism for the poor water quality in lakes, providing an incentive for greater community engagement and targeted efforts to unlock the full value of water. Consequently, the Municipality has developed a climate change action plan to identify vulnerable areas and address flooding.
Resilient Strategies Guide for Water Utilities
The Resilient Strategies Guide for Water Utilities provides options for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater utilities to assist them in developing plans that contain strategies that address their specific needs and priorities.
Urban water networks as an alternative source for district heating and emergency heat-wave cooling
Three emergency cold recovery techniques are presented as a response to heat-waves: subway station cooling, ice production for individual cooling, and “heat-wave shelter” cooling in association with pavement-watering. The cold generation potential of each approach is assessed with a special consideration for mains water temperature sanitary limitations. Finally, technical obstacles and perspectives are discussed.