Calculator Tool for Determining Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Biosolids Processing and End Use

A greenhouse gas (GHG) calculator tool (Biosolids Emissions Assessment Model, BEAM) was developed for the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment to allow municipalities to estimate GHG emissions from biosolids management. The tool was developed using data from peer-reviewed literature and municipalities. GHG emissions from biosolids processing through final end use/disposal were modeled. Emissions from nine existing programs in Canada were estimated using the model. The program that involved dewatering followed by combustion resulted in the highest GHG emissions (Mg CO2e 100 Mg-1 biosolids (dry wt.). The programs that had digestion followed by land application resulted in the lowest emissions (-26 and -23 Mg CO2 e100 Mg-1 biosolids (drywt.). Transportation had relatively minor effects on overall emissions. The greatest areas of uncertainty in the model include N2O emissions from land application and biosolids processing. The model suggests that targeted use of biosolids and optimizing processes to avoid CH4 and N2O emissions can result in significant GHG savings.

Recycling and Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Urban India

The document focuses on identifying the economic, financial and environmental benefits of wastewater recycling from the perspective of public spending. Also provides information on the evolution and current practices of wastewater recycling internationally and the international and national regulatory and policy frameworks that guide wastewater recycling. It presents possible strategies for city and state planners and policy makers to initiate the discourse on wastewater recycling and reuse.

The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility

An international guide to the WaCCliM approach

The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility presents utility managers with an approach to address their most pressing challenges, while reducing carbon emissions through
measures that either have a return on investment through energy or water savings, or that correspond to planned investments as part of the asset management plan to maintain or improve their services. Utilities adopting this approach are contributing to a carbon-neutral future, by instigating a change of mind-set, not only in urban water management but also by inspiring all other urban services through sharing the risks and the urgency to act to avoid aggravated impacts of climate change, of which water utilities are among the first victims: water scarcity, flooding and deteriorated water quality

Micro-turbines on drinking water treatment plant in France (Super Rimiez)

Microturbines installed on drinking water supply network allow converting the hydraulic potential energy loss resulting from this hydraulic design into electrical energy. The drinking water treatment plant of SUPER RIMIEZ is located higher than the customers leading to an excess pressure (>17 bars) at domestic network inlets. Installation of 4 micro-turbines on drinking water supply network: 4.5 million kWh/y generated.

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