SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition

Use of supervisory, control, and data acquisition (SCADA) system for monitoring, supervision and controlling of pumping systems can help minimize energy consumption of GHG emissions. It includes measurements in real time of water levels, pressures, flows, energy consumption and other operational parameters. It also helps to adjust and control the pump station operation, contributing to fight water losses or infiltration, reduce pumping during energy peak hours and adjust pumping volumes to the needs of the system. The SCADA systems provide utility managers with access to real-time operating data and can help offset the higher operating costs by minimizing unplanned downtime and improving maintenance plans. The SCADA system can also be used to optimize pumping in real-time through advanced pump optimization software and control, or through either a model-based or knowledge-based optimization that is implemented via a rule-based system programmed into the SCADA system. This type of optimization entails the use of algorithms to determine the best pumping scheme for a given situation. This can incorporate the peak energy times previously referenced, but also a prioritization of which pumps or pumping stations are used to maximize efficiency whenever possible. For example, if only a certain volume is demanded, then the SCADA system will first operate the most efficient pumps or pumping stations to meet the demand until greater capacity or more pumps are needed.

Estudio de Caso – Perú

Planificación local, impacto global – Como las Empresas de Agua y Saneamiento del Perú enfrentan el Cambio Climático

¿Cómo asegurar la prestación de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en un contexto de cambio climático? Los Planes de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio Climático (PMACC) son una herramienta para abordar este desafío. Permiten identificar las principales fuentes de emisiones de carbono y los mayores riesgos asociados al clima a lo largo del ciclo urbano del agua; así como las oportunidades de las empresas prestadoras de servicios de agua y saneamiento (EPS) para impulsar un cambio positivo hacia la neutralidad y adaptación climática. Siguiendo una metodología estandarizada y con la ayuda de herramientas virtuales, el proceso de planificación es más rápido y genera un reporte para informar a los tomadores de decisión. Gracias a esta buena planificación, algunas empresas del Perú han empezado a buscar soluciones prácticas para reducir sus emisiones de carbono, como es el caso de las empresas de agua de Cusco y Ayacucho. La iniciativa PMACC fue desarrollada e implementada en colaboración entre WaCCliM (responsable de la parte de mitigación) y PROAGUA II.

How Guanajuato’s Water and Wastewater Utilities are tackling Climate Change through Efficiency Optimization and Renewable Energy Production

In San Francisco del Rincón, two utility companies, SITRATA (Servicio de Tratamiento
y Deposición de Aguas Residuales) and SAPAF (Sistema de Agua Potable y
Alcantarillado de San Francisco), are collaborating on projects to improve their
services and lower their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. SITRATA manages
wastewater, while SAPAF is responsible for drinking water and sewage. With
guidance from the WaCCliM project, both utilities have undertaken a strategizing and
implementation process similar to that proposed in the “WaCCliM Roadmap to a Low-
Carbon Urban Water Utility”.
As a result, SAPAF have increased wastewater treatment coverage from 48% to 81%
and improved the energy efficiency of their pumping stations. The magnitude of the
increase in treatment coverage was by far the biggest achievement in GHG reduction.

How Madaba’s Water and Wastewater Utility is finding innovative Solutions to operational Burdens while reducing Carbon Emissions

In Madaba, the Miyahuna Water Company conducted a study to determine and
address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its operations. Miyahuna operates
both water and wastewater systems in the city. The GHG assessment was conducted
using the Energy Performance and Carbon Emissions Assessment and Monitoring
(ECAM) Tool. This highlighted that 90% of energy consumption is linked to the
extraction of drinking water.
In order to decrease the utility’s carbon footprint, several GHG reduction measures
were evaluated. However, some are difficult to implement due to financial constraints.
The most feasible option was the improvement of the pumping system. This would
reduce annual electricity consumption by 35–50%.

Modelling the bioenergy potential of municipal wastewater treatment plants

The present paper deals with designing a tool to answer the following research questions:
Which bioenergy potentials occur in different plant types? Which mass and
energy flows are related to the specific potentials? Which utilisation processes for
the potentials can lead to a high energy recovery efficiency of WWTS? Preliminary
analyses with the designed tool were focused on estimating the level of electric and
thermal energy self-sufficiency of different plant configuration scenarios including
or excluding digester gas and/or sludge utilisation units. First results based on the
level of self-sufficiency and associated energy and disposal costs show that a
digester gas and sewage sludge utilisation should be considered when designing
future WWTS.

The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility

An international guide to the WaCCliM approach

The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility presents utility managers with an approach to address their most pressing challenges, while reducing carbon emissions through
measures that either have a return on investment through energy or water savings, or that correspond to planned investments as part of the asset management plan to maintain or improve their services. Utilities adopting this approach are contributing to a carbon-neutral future, by instigating a change of mind-set, not only in urban water management but also by inspiring all other urban services through sharing the risks and the urgency to act to avoid aggravated impacts of climate change, of which water utilities are among the first victims: water scarcity, flooding and deteriorated water quality

Water Well Rehabilitation and Reconstruction

This is the first professional’s guide to every aspect of pollution control for all types of water bodies. From at-the-source prevention to technical treatment solutions, the Water QualityControl Handbook brings readers expert guidance on assessing,controlling, eliminating, and remediating the many factors that contribute to water pollution.

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