Agua y Clima | Hacia un Sector del Agua Resiliente y Neutro en Carbono

Para poder limitar el cambio climático a 1,5°C, es necesario que todos los sectores sean más ambiciosos en cuanto a sus objetivos de reducción de GEI. Sin embargo, en numerosos países las posibilidades de reducir las emisiones en el sector urbano del agua no se contemplan en las NDC para el debido cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París. El proyecto Empresas de Servicios de Agua y
Saneamiento para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático (WaCCliM) apoya a las empresas de agua y saneamiento para reducir su huella de carbono y adaptarse a los impactos del cambio climático. Mediante un enfoque intersectorial que abarca la mitigación y la adaptación, consideramos las implicaciones de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en el nexo agua-energía-carbono.

El folleto “Agua y Clima” ofrece una visión general de los antecedentes, los objetivos, las metas y el enfoque del WaCCliM para lograr un sector del agua resiliente y neutro en carbono.

Linking Water and Climate | Towards a Carbon Neutral, Risk Resilient Water Sector

Limiting climate change to 1.5°C requires all sectors to increase their GHG reduction ambitions. In many countries, however, the opportunities to reduce emissions in the urban water sector are not included as part of the NDCs for the successful implementation of the Paris Agreement. The “Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation” (WaCCliM) project supports water and wastewater utilities to reduce their carbon footprints and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Following a cross-sectoral approach that spans mitigation and adaptation, WaCCliM considers the implications of greenhouse gases in the water–energy–carbon nexus.

The “Linking Water and Climate” brochure gives an overview on WaCCliM’s background, objectives, goals and approach to achieve a carbon neutral, risk resilient water sector.

Introducción a la ECAM 2.2 | Libro de Ejercicios

El material “Introducción a la ECAM 2.2 | libro de ejercicios” incluye una introducción general, descripciones de características y elementos de la “Herramienta de Evaluación y Monitoreo del Desempeño Energético y las Emisiones de Carbono (ECAM)” . El documento contiene una serie de ejercicios que ayudan al lector a conocer y comprender las funcionalidades de ECAM. El lector es guiado a través de las diferentes etapas del ciclo urbano del agua desde la extracción, el tratamiento y la distribución de agua potable hasta la recolección, tratamiento y descarga de aguas residuales y la gestión de lodos fecales.

Introduction to ECAM 2.2 | Exercise Book

The Introduction to ECAM 2.2. | Exercise Book includes a general introduction to the ‘Energy Performance and Carbon Emissions Assessment and Monitoring Tool’ (ECAM), including descriptions of features and elements. Numerous exercises help the reader to get to know and understand ECAM’s functionalities. The reader is guided through the different stages of the urban water cycle from abstraction, treatment and distribution over collection, treatment, discharge and faecal Sludge management.

WaCCliM Case Study – Portugal

Over recent years Portuguese water and waste water utilities have faced a enormous challenge, mainly due to economic crises but also through the transition between a period of significant investment in infrastructure and a most recent period which has been more focused on optimization, resource recovery, the circular economy towards an economy less dependent on fossil energy, developing the potential to produce energy from renewable sources, maximizing processes efficiency and reducing GHG emissions.

ECAM Methodology Guide

This document provides a detailed explanation on the theoretical background of the second version of the web-based “Energy performance and Carbon Emissions Assessment and Monitoring” (ECAM v2.2) tool. The main assumptions and the key considerations that form the basis of the tool are explained. An overview of variables, performance indicators and related equations, as well as benchmark values and references are given. Additionally, the manual helps users with evaluating different scenarios for specific system configurations.

Case study: Arrudas Waste Water Treatment Plant Biogas Recovery

The Arrudas biogas project offers a valuable example of a well-functioning energy recovery project that embraces the principals of low-carbon sustainability within municipal wastewater treatment operations.  Since the project came on-line in 2011 it has avoided over 6,000 tons of CO2e, emissions that would have otherwise been emitted directly to the atmosphere.

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